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Sedona Labs Iflora Multi-Probiotic Formula, Capsules, 60-Count (30 Day Supply), Health Care Stuffs

Sedona Labs Iflora Multi-Probiotic Formula, Capsules, 60-Count (30 Day Supply)

30 day supply - 2 per day for 30 days = 60 Capsules
Promotes balanced, regular digestion and healthy bowels
Supports a strong, healthy immune system
Helps alleviate occasional constipation and diarrhea iFlora Multi-Probiotic Formula contains 16 strains of probiotics that supplement natural flora colonies to promote digestive and immune health. This premier blend works in both the small and large intestine to maintain a healthy balance of good flora that also supports a healthy urinary tract, maintains normal bowel function, and promotes healthy skin. All strains survive stomach acid More »


Price : $14.75