Elgin Archxerciser Foot Strengthening Device : Great for Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Spur Syndrome
Compact, lightweight design allows you to take it anywhere.
Valuable tool for foot therapy. Works wonders to relieves sore feet.
Helpful in foot ailments particularly plantar fasciitis, heel spur syndrome and post-op rehab
Useful to rehabilitate the foot after common foot surgeries such as austin bunionectomy
Helps painful submetatarsa; calluses associated with contracted digits (toes)
This is the original Archxerciser foot strengthening not an imitaion. Designed for strengthening of intrinsic and extrinsic foot musculature and increasing range of motion at the metatarsophalangeal joints. Also used by athletes to A study was done using the Archxerciser. Subjects were randomly assigned to training with either the left or right foot, with the other side serving as a c
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