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Bean-B-Clean Baby Scalp Massaging Brush for Cradle Cap, Health Care Stuffs

Bean-B-Clean Baby Scalp Massaging Brush for Cradle Cap

Only Product like it on the market!
Prevents Cradle Cap
Lessens the severity if Cradle Cap already present
Easy to use!
Made in the USA!!! The Bean-B-CleanTM A parent's best friend in the fight against CRADLE CAP. Cradle cap is not a reflection on you as a parent- many babies will experience it. Cradle cap (seborrhea) is crusty or flaky skin that can appear on baby's scalp, ears, or even eyebrows. Head it off at the pass or lessen the severity (if it's already present) by using The Bean-B-CleanTM as recommended every day More »


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