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Combo Pack 40 (LH) Ovulation Tests + 10 (HCG) Pregnancy Test Strips, Health Care Stuffs

Combo Pack 40 (LH) Ovulation Tests + 10 (HCG) Pregnancy Test Strips

One Step Ovulation Urine Test is a qualitative test used to predict when there is a LH surge, and in turn, when you are likely to ovulate
One Step HCG Urine Test is a rapid pregnancy test, which you can easily carry out yourself
It detects the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which appears in urine very early during pregnancy
40 Ovulation Strips + 10 Pregnancy Strips HOW DOES IT WORK? Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone, produced by the developing placenta shortly after the conception and secreted into the urine. The pregnancy test contains antibodies which specifically react with this hormone. WHEN TO BEGIN TESTING The length of the menstrual cycle is the duration from your first menstrual bleeding day to the day before the next bleed More »


Price : $19.49