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GAME BRIDAL BALL TOSS (1 per package), Health Care Stuffs

GAME BRIDAL BALL TOSS (1 per package)

Featuring a red, pink and purple striped beach ball and 45 quiz and dare playing cards in an assortment of the same colors, the game is played by tossing the ball from player to player.
Whichever stripe the person who catches the ball's right hand is on indicates the card color she should select.
Colors indicate three quiz and dare categories: Bridal Secrets, Revealing Truths and Hilarious Dares.
Includes 1 Beach Ball measuring 12in inflated, 45 Playing Cards and 1 Instruction Card.
Appropriate for ages 14 and up GAME BRIDAL BALL TOSS More »


List Price : $8.25

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Price : $7.05