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Green Pastures Fermented Skate Liver Oil Capsules ~ For Energy, Muscle Growth, Brain Power and Overall Good Health ~ 120 Capsules, Health Care Stuffs

Green Pastures Fermented Skate Liver Oil Capsules ~ For Energy, Muscle Growth, Brain Power and Overall Good Health ~ 120 Capsules

abundant in Vitamins A, D, E, and K,
full range of omega fatty acids
contains chondroitin, squalene, and alkoxglycerols,
Cold processed, 120 non-gelatin capsules
Green Pasture Products have chosen to use the "Manufacture Date" as many other companies are currently using instead of the Expiration Date, so you will receive the freshest product available when you order. Naturally fermented Blue Ice Skate Liver Oil is the superior choice for cartilage fish oil because skate oil is and the unique nutrients chondroitin, squalene, and alkoxglycerols, also found in shark liver oil. Blue Ice Fermented Skate Liver Oil is created with a proprietary cold process extraction and cleaning method to naturally enhance its nutritional value and assimilation. B More »


Price : $34.93