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Kinesio Pre-Cut – Shoulder Application – Single Pack, Health Care Stuffs

Kinesio Pre-Cut – Shoulder Application – Single Pack

Shoulder Application designed to provide shoulder muscle support, treat rotator cuff injury and pain
1 pre-cut application per pack
Cut tape to length desired, peel off tape backing, apply to skin and rub to activate adhesive
Latex free and water resistant
Lightweight, breathable, suitable for 2 to 3 day wear Kinesio pre-cut tape provides fast and effective pain relief and support for muscle aches and injuries. Kinesio is designed to directly target the fascia (skin layers) and muscle tissue to treat the cause of muscle inflammation and pain. Kinesio pre-cut tape is hypoallergenic, nonrestrictive, has a water resistant coating and is easy to apply. It can be worn for 24 hours a day and pro More »
