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Kissaluvs Cotton Fleece Super Soaker Doublers, 6 Pack, Unbleached, Health Care Stuffs

Kissaluvs Cotton Fleece Super Soaker Doublers, 6 Pack, Unbleached

Two layers of hearty unbleached knit terry with a third layer of soft and absorbent cotton fleece
Slightly tapered for easy fit between baby's legs
Fits perfectly in Kissas size 1 and 2 diapers
Also popular "stuffers" for pocket diapers like fuzzi bunz, bumgenius and g diapers
12 1/2" long, 5" at widest point Diaper double royalty thick, absorbent and soft. Doublers add absorbency to a diaper without adding bulk or drying time to the actual diaper. Useful for heavy wetters and nighttime diapering. Simply lay double inside diaper before snapping onto baby. Made with love in the United States. More »


Price : $24.99