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Leachco Lily Pod Compact Soft Baby Bath Tub, Health Care Stuffs

Leachco Lily Pod Compact Soft Baby Bath Tub

Soft, cushiony support all around
Slip-resistant bottom helps prevent slipping and sliding in the tub.
Turn over to create a perfect surface for bathing newborns or shampooing toddlers in a reclined position.
Sturdy hanger for drip-dry storage It's a slippery transition when going from the infant tub to the family tub! LilyPod is a cushioned tub in a tub that makes bathing your child so safe and easy. It is constructed of a soft open weave polyester fabric made especially for the bath. The contoured sides actually act as bumpers, providing all-around cushioning in your adult-size tub. Flip it over for an ideal reclining pos More »


Price : $34.41