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Customer Reviews
Reviews about the "Lucks Edible Image Rock Star Birthday, 1 ea"
The Average Review score is 5.0 on a scale of 5.0. Total 1 reviewers are considered to generate the average review. Some of the new or latest reviews in Stationery & Party Supplies might be helpful and interesting to you. This average review is fetched by Mo Kha and posted on 23 June
5 stars
#5 Stars: 1 ,
[ 5.0 stars ]
"I was very pleased with the Luck's Edible Image. The instructions included were easy to read and use. I worried about the image tearing prior to or during application. However, it was surprisingly sturdy. (Not that I was playing tug of war with it or anything!) It felt like a piece of thin vinyl. It was on my son's birthday cake and looking awesome in under 30 seconds.The manufacturer reco ..."
Courtesy by Amazon - The Stationery & Party Supplies review is genenrated by M. Miller
which was written on October 27, 2012
Review fetched on March 30, 2014 by Health Care Stuffs.
Average Review : 5.0 of 5.0, produced from 3 customer reviews.
Product Specification
Lucks Edible Image Rock Star Birthday, 1 ea
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