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Medi-Touch 14-0080 Powder-Free Latex Disposable Gloves, Medium, 50-Count (Pack of 6), Health Care Stuffs

Medi-Touch 14-0080 Powder-Free Latex Disposable Gloves, Medium, 50-Count (Pack of 6)

For over 80 years, Ansell has dedicated itself to producing high quality gloves designed for each job you may require your hands to perform.
These exam gloves are more widely used by both doctors and health care professionals than other gloves.
Gloves contain no powder and have been specially treated for easy on - easy off!
Ansell gloves have been use-tested to deliver maximum feel, flexibility and protection.
Lightweight, tough and ideal for one-time use when protecting hands from the spread of rash and infections Medi-Touch Powder-Free Latex Disposable Gloves are high quality gloves designed for each job you may require your hands to perform. Ansell gloves have been use-tested to deliver maximum feel, flexibility and protection. More »


Price : $35.57

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Product Specification
Available No
Binding Health and Beauty
Brand Medi-Touch
EAN 0882907337416
Label Medi-Touch
Manufacturer Medi-Touch
NumberOfItems 6
PackageQuantity 6
ProductGroup Health and Beauty
Publisher Medi-Touch
Studio Medi-Touch
Title Medi-Touch 14-0080 Powder-Free Latex Disposable Gloves, Medium, 50-Count (Pack of 6)
UPC 701679989138

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