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Medport Diabetes Travel Organizer From GMS Holds Two Weeks Supplies/ Will Hold Syringes,vials Pens Secure – Cold for 12 hours, Cools for up to 18 Hrs Comes with 2-6 Oz Cold-Gel Paks, Health Care Stuffs

Medport Diabetes Travel Organizer From GMS Holds Two Weeks Supplies/ Will Hold Syringes,vials Pens Secure – Cold for 12 hours, Cools for up to 18 Hrs Comes with 2-6 Oz Cold-Gel Paks

Holds enough supplies for up to two weeks Will Hold Pens
Cool side carries insulin and MED IceTM. Room temperature side carries meter and supplies
Detachable medical waste pouch provides a safe alternative to store medical waste until properly disposed
Convenient handy carry strap.Includes two 6 OZ Polar Tech refreezable ice packs.
Size: 9.5 x 6.5 x 2.25 Holds enough supplies for up to two weeks. Cool side carries insulin and MED IceTM. Room temperature side carries meter and supplies. Detachable medical waste pouch provides a safe alternative to store medical waste until properly disposed. Convenient handy carry strap. Includes two MED IceTM refreezable ice packs. Measures 9 in. x 6 in. x . This item only available in black. More »


Price : $24.95