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MIO Motion Fit Petite Strapless Heart Rate Watch, Health Care Stuffs

MIO Motion Fit Petite Strapless Heart Rate Watch

On-demand EKG accurate heart rate, no chest strap
Multi-function activity monitor uses accelerometer technology to accurately count steps, estimate speed and distance traveled as well as calories burned
Percentage of maximum heart rate
Works with MIO 3500 Calorie Club program
Programmable target heart rate zones with upper and lower heart rate zones, Resting heart rate: measures and displays your resting heart rate The MIO Motion Fit Petite is programmable with your own personal data, making it individually yours. This watch uses Smart Touch Technology to provide your EKG-accurate heart rate with a single touch to the sensor and frees you from wearing an uncomfortable chest strap. Unlike a pedometer that needs to be clipped to your belt, the MIO Motion Fit has a built-in digital pedometer as par More »


Price : $99.99

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