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Money Magnet Essential Oil Blend 15 ml for Law of Attraction and Abundance, Health Care Stuffs

Money Magnet Essential Oil Blend 15 ml for Law of Attraction and Abundance

Clear emotional patterns which get in the way of receiving. Developed by a naturopath, EFT practitioner.
Eliminate negative emotions around money while attracting more.
Contains essential oils which help the mind expand. Ignite the Law of Attraction. Quickly clear emotional money issues.
Receive blessings, money, opportunities by clearing negative beliefs about money and yourself.
Biosource Naturals essential oil collection includes: Allspice - Amber - Anise - Holy Basil - Bergamot - Black Pepper - Carrot Seed - Cedarwood - Chamomile, Blue, - Cinnamon Leaf - Clary Sage-Clove Pennyroyal - Cypress -Eucalyptus - Sweet Fennel - Needle - Frankincense - French Lavender - Ginger Grass - Ginger Root - Pink Grapefruit - Jasmine - Juniper Berry - Lemon - Lemongrass - Lime - Mandarin - Melssa - MyrrhEssential Oil - Rose Geranium - Rosemary - Spearmint - Sweet Marjoram - Tangerine - Tree - Thyme - Vetiver - Ylang Ylang l Money Magnet TM Essential Oil Blend helps you to clear emotional patterns which get in the way of receiving. Money Magnet TM Essential Oil Blend helps to clear emotional patterns of: Feelings of scarcity, e.g. "if I receive this, then someone goes without" Feeling unworthy of receiving money, e.g. "did not work hard enough for it" "not smart enough" Feelings of guilt, e.g. "I don't d More »


Price : $28.50