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Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em ROBOTS Game, Health Care Stuffs

Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em ROBOTS Game

The classic game from 1966 in which the battling robots try to knock each other's blocks off
Red Rocker and Blue Bomber battle it out in the arena, with realistic sounds and jaw-jolting action
When a robot lands that blockbuster punch to his opponent's jaw, the victorious robot's head pops up with that Rock 'Em Sock 'Em gotcha sound
Complete with robots and stadium
A classic game fun for all A remake of the classic game from the 1960s! Kids control battling robots Red Rocker and Blue Bomber with fast thumb action and try to deliver the blockbuster punch that will knock his block off! Battle it out in the arena, with realistic sounds and jaw-jolting action. Land a punch and don’t lose your head to be declared victorious! More »


Price : $21.99