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Scaraway C-Section Scar Treatment Strips, Silicone Adhesive Soft Fabric   4-Sheets (7 X 1.5 Inch), Health Care Stuffs

Scaraway C-Section Scar Treatment Strips, Silicone Adhesive Soft Fabric 4-Sheets (7 X 1.5 Inch)

Clinically proven safe and effective in treating and preventing scars
Reduces existing scars ~ Helps prevent formation of new scars
rofessional Grade Self-Adhesive Silicone Strips with patented Silon technology.
Same technology recommended by plastic surgeons and used in hospitals and burn centers around the world.
Protects delicate scar area - Alleviates itching and tenderness - DRUG FREE - The Smart Choice for new Moms Scarawaytm helps restore raised and discolored c-section scars to a more natural color and texture, using the same technology trusted by burn centers and plastic surgeons.using scar awaytm on newly healed c-section wounds helps prevent the formation of unsightly scars. even scars that are years old show significant improvement with scar awaytmpreviously available only to medical profe More »


Price : $22.99