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Set of 3 Re-Recordable Sound Modules for Greeting Cards, Health Care Stuffs

Set of 3 Re-Recordable Sound Modules for Greeting Cards

Play type: slide tounge type. It will start playing once card unfolded and stop once folded again
Maximum play duration: can be re-recordable up to 104 seconds (@ 16kHz sampling rate)
Life cycle: plays 300 to 350 times on average
Comes with batteries and speaker ready for use
Assembly type: peel and stick self adhesive backing You will get 3 USB Slide Tongue Sound Modules and 1 USB Programmer(regardless of quantity) Once you order the slide tongue we will send a link to download our free software Use this USB direct sound / voice module with SLIDE TONGUE activation. Ideal for musical greeting cards, talking toys, special gifts, and talking cards. You can plug it into your PC' More »


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