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Sierra Comfort Professional Series Portable Massage Table, Health Care Stuffs

Sierra Comfort Professional Series Portable Massage Table

2 free bolsters; wider more stable footprint for stable on/off access; removable adjustable face cradle
2.5 inch Luxe high-density foam for the ultimate massage experience
5 year manufacturer warranty on frame
Measures 78 by 29 inches (L x W); height adjustable from 23-32 inches
Durable PU leather is waterproof and oil-resistant SierraComfort MT-201 Soothie Portable Massage Table is the perfect table for the professional who demands quality, performance and value. The table is constructed with Beach Timber and features 2.5” LUX high density foam for the ultimate massage experience. Sierra Comfort’s MT-201 Soothie line is our newest line in our professional series and includes many premium feature More »


Price : $114.99

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Product Specification
Available No
Binding Sports
Brand SierraComfort
Department Supply
EAN 0456789456123
IsAdultProduct 0
IsAutographed 0
IsMemorabilia 0
Label SierraComfort
LegalDisclaimer Seller not responsible for damage incurred during shipping.
Manufacturer SierraComfort
Model IT-C62T-H1TS
PackageQuantity 1
PartNumber IT-C62T-H1TS
ProductGroup Sports
Publisher SierraComfort
ReleaseDate 2009-09-29
Studio SierraComfort
Title Sierra Comfort Professional Series Portable Massage Table
UPC 456789456123

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