SpermCheck Fertility
SpermCheck Fertility is an easy-to-use at-home test for determining the concentration of sperm in semen.
Know within minutes whether your sperm count is within the "normal" range.
A positive result indicates that your sperm count is above 20 million sperm per milliliter of semen.
A negative result indicates that the count is below the 20 million sperm per milliliter threshold, and further testing by your doctor may be warranted.
Low sperm count is one of the main causes of fertility issues in couples experiencing difficulty in conceiving.
The SpermCheck test can be conducted in the privacy of your own home,
providing you with helpful information regarding your fertile status - without the
embarrassment or inconvenience that often accompanies a clinical semen analysis.
Why Test Your Sperm Count?
Low sperm count is one of the main causes of fertility issues in couples experiencing
difficulty in conceiving. Simply put,
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