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Testo-rex TM – Anti-estrogen and Anti-aromatase Complex, Health Care Stuffs

Testo-rex TM – Anti-estrogen and Anti-aromatase Complex

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The amount of free testosterone can be altered (increased) by the use of aromatase inhibitors such as TesTo-RexTM. The less testosterone that is synthesized [aromatized] into estrogen, the more total testosterone) or inhibitors of the plasma proteins that bind into testosterone. Manipulating the tendency of a testosterone to exist in an unbound state is an effective way to alter the overall activity and potency of one's overall testosterone levels. Higher levels of testosterone produce an enhanced anti-glucocorticoid effect, which yields an anti-catabolic, or more precisely, anti-proteoolytic, effect on muscle cells. This indirect effect is the result of testosterone's high affinity for binding with glucocorticoid receptors, thus blocking the normal messenger pathway that triggers protein release from muscle tissue. Lower free testosterone also likely means a weaker immune system. INGREDIENTS: TesTo-RexTM Prop. Blend: Tribulus Terrestris Extract Standardized to: 40% Saponins 19% Protodioscin Chrysin 99.6% Diindole Methane (DIM) Eurycomo Longfolia Jack Gamma Oryzanol DIRECTIONS: As a dietary supplement take 3 capsules on training days one hour before working out. On non-training days take 3 capsules in the morning and 3 capsules in the afternoon. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The amount of free testosterone can be altered (increased) by the use of aromatase inhibitors such as TesTo-RexTM. The less testosterone that is synthesized [aromatized] into estrogen, the more total testosterone) or inhibitors of the plasma proteins that bind into testosterone. Manipulating the tendency of a testosterone to exist in an unbound state is an effec More »


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