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Two Old Goats Essential Lotion 8oz. For Your Toughest Aches And Pains!, Health Care Stuffs

Two Old Goats Essential Lotion 8oz. For Your Toughest Aches And Pains!

Arthritis and Fibromyalgia Essential Lotion
Stop pain naturally, no drugs, chemical free
Fast relief that lasts hours. Just massage in as often as needed.
Goat milk and almond oil base with essential anti-inflammatory oils.
Contains: Lavender, Chamomille, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, and Birch bark Fight the discomfort of arthritis and fibroymalgia along with aging, sport related pain and those tender areas after surgery. Natural based so you can use often. Fresh Eucalytus and Lavender scent. Great for the skin, too! More »


Price : $15.00