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Wholesale Gallon Jojoba Massage Oil Blend with Pure Organic Lavender Essential Oil – Natural Bulk Massage Oil Blend – Lavender Relaxing Body Oil ., Health Care Stuffs

Wholesale Gallon Jojoba Massage Oil Blend with Pure Organic Lavender Essential Oil – Natural Bulk Massage Oil Blend – Lavender Relaxing Body Oil .

Lavender ,jojoba in hohoba powerful remedies in the plant world
To discover the value of this product please read carefully all the ingredients list. offering both physical and emotional relief for problems
help in burns, migraines, insomnia, insect bites, skin problems
help in infections, stress, oily skin, rheumatism, scabies, scars
Lavender Oil is fresh, sweet, floral, herbaceous, slightly fruity. Lavender in jojoba massage oil Blend Lavender is much more than just pretty and calming. It is one of the most powerful remedies in the plant world, offering both physical and emotional relief for problems as varied as burns, migraines, insomnia, insect bites, skin problems, infections, stress and nervous tension. BLENDING LAVENDER ESSENTIAL OIL AND NATURAL JOJOBA AND OILS AND PLANT More »


Price : $59.99