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ZetaClear Antifungal Spray and Brush Combo, Health Care Stuffs

ZetaClear Antifungal Spray and Brush Combo

1 bottle of Antifungal Oral Spray Formula and 1 bottle of Brush-On Nail Fungus Formula
A natural solution for healthy looking nails
Exfoliate of yellowing keratin debris
Topical brush application natural, safe, and effective
Homeopathic oral spray formula attacts the fungus from the inside ZetaClear contains a proprietary formulation of natural oils each of which has been demonstrated to contribute to the promotion of healthy looking nails. The science of healthy nails is complex and hence achieving healthy appearing nails requires a special product. If you are tired of creams that don't work or prescription drugs that have serious side effects then Zetaclear is your so More »


Price : $30.45